
Soup Swallows
Some unverified resources put eba as having 360 Calories per 100g. Note: this number may not be too off the mark, given that garri is basically carbohydrates, and other carb foods have that ballpark number of calories for the given weight. By my estimation, 100g is about ½ of a typical wrap of swallow (not the tiny ones they give you at high-end places o!).
Verified sources show wheat, millet and corn flour being almost as bad, or worse, than eba, with only Yam Flour (amala, lafun) coming in at 175 Calories to 100g. Better still is pounded yam (boiled yam), with 118 calories to 100g.
See summary below:
Per 100g Serving
Whole Wheat Flour - 333 Calories
Millet Flour               - 371 Calories
Corn Flour                - 370 Calories
Yam Flour                 - 175 Calories
Yam                           - 118 Calories
Eba                            - 360 Calories